Day 1: This day is always a drag. The long hours we have to travel are so tiring. All that I am able to do is think of you. Crossing the border has never been so hard. I usually spend this time with my mother doing a sort of Mexican Hat Dance with our feet in excitement of finally arriving. But this year, the gates greeted me in tears. It’s just not the same. As I looked around and the familiarity of the town, all I could think of was how much I would give for you to be sitting next to me. I figured we would sit at that bus station for hours waiting for our last bus to take us home. We ended up leaving only 15 minutes after; a 3:45 bus which would get us home by midnight. While filed in line to board the bus, I saw something I never thought I would see in Mexico. There were Amish people boarding a bus next to us. I really couldn’t believe it. The long hot dresses and bonnets on the girls and straw hats on the men was such a sight!
I slept most of the ride. They played four movies on the bus. I was only awake for one; The Girl With The Pearl Earrings. I couldn’t help but tear up as I looked up at the stars outside my window. Eventually I was able to sleep for the last hour of the drive. When we finally arrived, I actually felt my first bit of excitement as I walked off the bus. I was home again, and it kinda felt good. As I rode the taxi to my house, I was like a wide eyed little girl. The best part of the trip is finally arriving to the city I call home for a month. I love looking at each building and being able to think of one memory I have from it. As my mom told the taxi driver where to go, he knew exactly where we were headed as he named off all of my aunts and uncles. He knew my family.
Finally as we pulled up my house, I smiled for the first real time all day. I was home, or what would be my home for the next month. After getting all of our luggage inside, we heard the voice of my uncle coming toward us. We spent the next 2 hours talking with my aunt and uncle about everything that has happened over the last year before we went to bed. The excitement of being back went away as soon as my head hit the pillow. The only thing I would think of was what and how you were doing. If you were able to sleep or if you were lying in bed thinking as I was doing. I miss you so much.
Day 2: I woke up to the sound of the rooster this morning. Usually the girls would have been in my room waiting for me to wake up, but this time I had beaten them. I walked outside and was attacked by my aunt’s rooster. Seriously. I felt like that was the most classic welcoming I had ever received lol. As the day went by, my room was filled with family coming in and out of my house to say Hello. The kids screaming around me frustrated me quicker than it usually does. I just don’t have the patience for them anymore. But it was probably because of the fact they interrupted me every time I tried talking about you with the girls. Most of my aunts tried getting all the gossip about you out of me. I don’t know how many times I’ve shown my pictures from formal with you and I.
Around 5 o’clock, I started getting ready for the movies. Just FYI, going to the movies here is like a big deal. All the young people get all prettied up to go and see everyone. It’s something we do every Wednesday night. We saw Get Smart, for me it was the second time around. But I will probably be seeing repeat movies all the time since most of the movies are once that have been out for a long time in the U.S. or I have seen already. It was fun arriving there. I saw many people that I knew, all friends of the girls. We spent about 20 minutes outside with friends catching up about what all I have missed in the last year, and then another 30 minutes after the movie meeting new people and taking pictures. I tell you, this is the highlight of the week for most people.
And so now I’m back home sitting in my newly air conditioned room writing you, wishing so badly that you were here lying in my lap. Wishing that instead of having to write down the details of my day, you could have been witnessing all of it for yourself. I can’t wait to come back to you, baby. I can’t help but wonder if you are okay, how you’re holding up. Just do me a favor and try to have a bit of fun. It would make me feel so much better. I love you so much, baby.
Well I think that is good for today. I have pretty much written you an essay by now. I can’t wait to hear from you, sweetie. I hope you’ve had a good day. I miss you more than ever. I love you, baby!
P.S. The picture I put up on this post is one of my favorite plazas in San Luis; Plaza de San Francisco. This city isn't where my house is, but it's my absolute favorite place to go, about 3 hours away where my aunt and cousin live. I go there every year, and hopefully will be headed there in two weeks. It's so beautiful there. I can't wait for you to see it one day :)
1 comment:
Oh baby don't worry about me! I will be fine! I miss the hell out of you baby, more than I ever thought possible... I am really glad you are enjoying being back home! oh and I would have loved to have been there with you! I can't wait until I can spend time with you in mexico! I love you sweetheart! plain and simple! I can't wait to hear from you! I miss you baby!
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