We made a few stops on our way walking home. The girls wanted to say hi to some friends. By this time it was scorching outside and I hadn’t actually eaten any real food, so I didn’t feel so great. When we finally got home, I lied down in the air and just relaxed on the computer until a few of the little kids came around. We spent an hour dancing and singing to songs I had on my iTunes.
About six, Giselle and Estefany came to get me so we could go swimming. Giselle and her family are members of the country club here. She usually invites Estefany and I to come with her every time I come here. Walking into that place is like walking through a whole new town. It’s funny how you can find the rich trophy wives everywhere here; laying by the pool, working out, playing tennis. Even in a city where you’d think you wouldn’t see these kinds of people, you’d be surprised. Giselle walks into this club like she owns it. She fits in just fine with the rich kids here. I walk in like I don’t give a shit, which happens to somewhat be my attitude back home when I walk around Edmond. I’m way too used to being the poor kid surrounded by the rich. But Estefany has this sad look of not belonging. This isn’t here scene. Although she’s the most outgoing of the three, being at this country club can really sink her. I got a few looks from some teen girls walking past me with their preppy tennis outfits and rackets, don’t really know what was up their asses.
So you know how I told you about having so much family that I usually meet a few new ones every year? Well it’s day 3 and I met the first for this year. His name is Memo, one of my aunt’s grandkids. He looks like he’s 14 but apparently older, and such the wannabe skater type. He seems like a little shit too, haha. Not the most pleasant kid. But he did mention something that kinda made me smile. He called the girls and I "Charlie's Angels" because of how close we are. Even after being so completely different from each other, Giselle, Estefany and I are like the best of friends down here. He along with some friends labeled all three of us. I'm the Beauty, Estefany is the Charm, and Giselle is the Brain. Funny, but I guess it kinda suits well enough. But you know how I feel about being called a Beauty, so you can only imagine how I reacted to that, haha.
A few hours later we were forced out of the pool thanks to the rain splashing down on the water surrounding us. We had a few scares driving home as the lightning flashes seemed so close. I had to run back home in the rain from Giselle’s house. Luckily she only lives down the street and we were still wet from the pool. So now I sit on my bed, bored as hell, wishing that you could be here. I just got up from the table with my mom and aunt. They kept asking questions about you and it started getting me kinda down. I miss you so damn much. It’s starting to hurt just talking about you.
Well baby, there is a gecko crawling around on my wall, so I should probably try getting it out of here, lol. I love you with all of my heart and I hope you are doing okay. I miss you so much baby. Write me soon <3
I LOVE YOU JEREMIAH, forever and always.
I know what was up their asses baby, just look at yourself! I know you don't like being called the beauty, but it sure fits! You're gorgeous sweetheart, if you like it or not! I love you!
Well it sounds like you three had a lot of fun today! I didn't think it could possibly rain in that heat, Haha! did you buy a lot while out shopping?
I know what you mean, talking about you just opens up the floodgates of emotions... I still talk about you a lot though, phil keeps asking questions... Which i am thankful for but at the same time it keeps the pain coming... Thankfully I haven't had to deal with dreams as of late...
I love you baby and I miss you more than anything! we can do this, and make it through together! don't forget to tell your mom that I hope she is having fun!
I love you baby, with everything I have!
I miss you baby! :( I guess we are on at the same time also! I will just say I haven't gotten into a deep enough sleep to dream! But I know if I did I would dream of you my love! I always dream of you! I love you so much baby, don't worry about me! I promise you I am fine! ;)
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