Day 8: I woke up really late again today, go figure. I spent all night looking at stupid things on YouTube last night, lol. As soon as I woke up I hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. Estefany has a wedding to go to on Saturday and wanted to get her nails done. So I just went with her to get out. The movie theater was right across the street, so we stopped and went inside for a bit. They have a little cafe place so we decided to split a nice cold frappuccino and Oreo cheesecake [if you haven't figured it out yet, that's pretty much what we ALWAYS eat when we go out]. I'm gonna get fat off of all that, haha. It was dark already and we still had to walk home, so we left soon after. Thankfully it's a short walk, maybe 10 minutes.
My cousin's wife Miriel just got home from Mexico City today. She's the one that usually takes me out at night, so I was pretty excited when I saw her. Right after we got home, she asked us to run some errands with her. We went to the grocery store to buy some stuff for the pizza place. Then later her and my cousin asked me to go with them to drop of the cook at her house.
It was a nice little drive. Chago, my cousin, has a convertible Mustang, so we drove with the top down. It feels really good out tonight. I love that feeling of the wind blowing threw my hair.
After dropping the lady off, we just kinda cruised around town. There was a major flood here just 2 weeks ago. They took me around and showed me all of the places that were heavily flooded, and the areas that were still slightly underwater. It's really bad. I had heard all about it, but I had no idea. Later I saw videos on YouTube of the floods here. There were building that all you could see was the roof. There were people walking around in it with their pants hiked all the way up, water coming up to their thighs. The river still looks ridiculous. Thankfully where our house is wasn't that bad. The only place that had high water around here was a little bit down the street here. So now I'm home, bored lol. But at least I had a more eventful day. I love days like these.
My mom told me that a hurricane could possibly hit us here soon. I know I should probably not be excited about that possibility, but for some reason I am! I don't know why, haha. Is that bad?? I think that's bad! I guess its just because I kinda like storms, especially when I'm with the girls. They get all freaked out and we all end up having a sleepover at one of our houses haha. Juvenile maybe, but it's fun. Plus I've never been in one. I guess I just like the concept of severe weather approaching, haha, i don't know. We'll see what happens.
I heard my uncle and mom talking about some changes they were going to do to our house. Can't say I'm too happy about it all. During this last year, our kitchen outside kinda started falling apart, so they have moved the kitchen into the actual house. Its actually really weird to me, lol. But now they are talking about tearing down the old kitchen! I mean I guess it's pointless to have it there now, but I just can't imagine it not being there! I don't want to think about it. I have so many memories there...waking up and eating breakfast with my grandmother. Her teaching me how to make tortillas and helping her cook [whatever I could do, lol]. I just don't want to see it get torn down. It's so sad. And then they also decided to cut down the guava tree outside my window. Now I hate guava's, but it's so nice having it there! I don't want change, lol. There's already been more than I'd like in the last few years and this is just too much for me. I love my house...I'm sad that you won't get to see everything that I grew up with here...
Well love, I'm glad you are resting. I hate thinking about the bad days that you have been having and I'm praying that they get better for you. I don't like hearing about your frustrations there! I miss you so damn much baby. I can't WAIT until I come home to you.
I love you so much baby!!
1 comment:
I can understand how it is hard for things to change baby but hopefully you will get used to it! and don't worry about me not seeing the place you grew up in its entirety because I will have you to explain and "show" me your memories from home!
I am glad you are enjoying yourself baby! I like to hear things like that! I just wish I could be with you! But next year, hopefully, we can be together to enjoying being there!
And don't worry about me baby! I am used to living with things like this! Really you are the first good thing to happen to me in years! You are my knight in shining (black) armor, even if that is a weird concept! Haha! Baby I just wouldn't know what to do without you, you truly are my everything! I love you!
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