Monday, August 4, 2008

From the Bottom of My Broken Heart.

The weekend has felt so long. Not being able to write you whenever I want is killing me. For the first time since our separation, it´s almost like i can´t feel you with me anymore...

I have never felt so terrible as I do now. I don´t think i´ve felt this low in a really long time. You´re all I can think about day and night. Not that that´s any different from before, but now everytime I think of you, I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I miss you so much...I feel truely miserable without you.

I don´t know how you have been doing, but i´m praying that you are doing better than i am. Keeping stronger than me. I hope you are doing okay, baby.

Well I really have not been up to anything much since the last time I was actually able to write you. I have gone downtown twice, and almost passed out once. I have watched about nine movies and yet spent more time out of my room than ever before here now that i no longer have my laptop. Oh, and i was attacked by a hundred ants that crawled into my bed no thanks to my little cousin leaving crumbs from her sweet bread all up in it. So now I have tons of little bite marks that itch like hell. Other than that, i´ve only been mourning the loss of my computer, and your presense in writing.

I feel sick without you, baby. If only i had the chance, i would come home right now. I would do anything to feel closer to you. God i miss you.

But there´s now 14 days left to go. That is the one thing that makes me feel a little better. That two weeks from now, I will hopefully be wrapped in your arms. It´s incredible to think that the number was once at 70. Now i couldn´t be happier that the days are coming down. But now i just pray that these final two weeks without you come fast. I´m dying to see you again. I´d kill just to hear your voice.

Well baby, I hope you can write me something soon. I miss hearing from you! Never forget that you are my world and the most important thing to me. I miss you more than anything sweetheart!

I Love You. Forever and Always <3